SueTanya Mchorgh

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Guest Post: Effective Management

Here we going to learn how to treat the customers? what are the skills required for the customer services? And how manage the customers queries? The important aspects in customer service training is given as follows:


Company contacts should always be prominently displayed. Puzzled by the problem, the client will not scroll the site’s “sheet” in search of a phone or email. The ability to order a call back on the site is an additional way to keep the client.

Appreciate the time and nerves of your customers. Nothing is as annoying as waiting for a call to be answered. If the client says, “Wait for a response within 28 minutes,” he will most likely be furious. The conclusion is that the company saves on staff once it cannot serve all customers. This threatens to lose its customers and negative feedback about the company.

Being in touch is a rule of good taste in working with clients. The bell rang - pick up the phone. Remember that everyone lives in his own rhythm and his schedule may not coincide with the lunch break in your company. In such a case it would be appropriate for the duty officer to remain in the office, who will always answer the call.

Quickly respond to requests by e-mail. Even if the client’s question cannot be solved now, write that you received his request and will answer it within an hour, for example.

Allow the client to contact the top officials of the company. Hang the phone of the top manager in a prominent place in the office or store. Often this method is used by retails. The ability to reach out to management contributes to increased customer loyalty and demonstrates the openness of the company. But it is not enough to hang up the telephone manuals on the site and prominent places. It is necessary to answer calls, and deal with customer questions, so as not to have the opposite effect.

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Honesty is a virtue for all time, and customer relations are no exception. If a company plans to build long-term relationships with its customers, then it should establish transparent and understandable “rules of the game” for its customers.

Refuse the project if it is not within your area of ​​expertise. Admit your mistakes. All this indicates that you are developing, studying, becoming stronger and not chasing any money, but are an expert in your field.

Receive an order from a corporation, and fail to fulfill obligations due to lack of resources and competence. What could be worse? The most valuable thing a company has is its good reputation, which once lost, can’t be returned.


Improving service standards, teaching staff, introducing new technologies - sooner or later you will notice that your client is already not yours. The company made a huge step forward, and the client remained at the same level.

Modern communication channels allow you to actively keep in touch with your customers. Messengers, social networks, corporate blogs, webinars, live workshops - allow you to move from monologue to dialogue with the client. Educating customers means killing two birds with one stone. Firstly, through articles, useful tips, information about new products and features of the product / service, you can educate consumers. You will begin to speak with the client in one language, it will be easier for you to convey to him why you need to do it in no other way. Training helps to work with objections and to explain that “we want it that way” is not always the right approach to the formulation of the problem.

Secondly, customer training is also one of the sales techniques that will provide you with loyal customers. This method is suitable for services with a long sales cycle in the B2B segment. At the first stage you conduct a master class with a coffee break and handouts; webinar or skype caste. At the second stage, you start selling basic products - in the eyes of your clients you are already an expert, which means you can be trusted.


Quality of service is a set of measures, rules, mechanisms and attributes that affect customer satisfaction when contacting a company. Location, interior and exterior of the company in this list is not in last place.

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of the average consumer. It is important for any client that the office, shop or branch is easy to reach. Ideal if the company is located in the city center. For people with disabilities, the presence of a ramp, which is actually a wheelchair accessible, is of paramount importance. The room should have intuitive zoning, adequate lighting, soft background music, comfortable air temperature at any time of the year and there were no extraneous smells.

Attention should be paid to the customer waiting area. Here you can hang out certificates, photos, promotional materials. This is a great opportunity to introduce the client closer to the company and distract from the tedious waiting in the queue.

All these circumstances affect the subjective impressions of customers, but they are a significant component of customer experience.


The life of people in the metropolis is very rich, so you should study the lifestyle of your target audience and its habits. And, if necessary, make sure that the branch office, store, department works on weekends or until 10:00 pm, for example. On the one hand, this is good for the client, but hard for the employees. So that work at a later time or holidays does not affect the quality of service, provide employees with a convenient work schedule and a sufficient number of days off.