SueTanya Mchorgh

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Meet Melissa Salmon

1.    Tell us more about yourself.
Melissa: Hi, my name is Melissa Salmon and there are many things that I can divulge about myself, however for brevity let me say—I am foremost proud that I am a Jamaican; I was born in the historic first capital of Spanish Town, Saint Catherine and spent my first few years in the Seaside village of Old Harbour/Bay.

I hold a Baccalaureate degree in Management Studies—I am an Entrepreneur, Author, Motivational Speaker, and a Mystic who has a passion for Real Estate Development. I have three siblings—two sisters and a brother; I am a Cancer survivor, a lover of Martial arts, swimming, spreading love and giving back no matter how minuscule it may seem.—Oh! and did I mention that I am a foodie?
2.    How did you get into your skill? 

Melissa: Well, I would say through divine inspiration and hereditary talent(s) that allowed me to make a conscious decision to master my skill set (what I refer to as ‘Greatness.’)

3.    How do you promote yourself?
Melissa: My endorsement comes from various sources—Word of mouth, collaborations, networking, empowering other so that they can recommend and of course through electronic and social media platforms.
4.    How can we get in touch with you?
Melissa: I can be easily accessed via my social media platforms @trepsalmon, via email at and by phone/WhatsApp—reach out through the other avenues to get my direct cell.
5.    Do you have any upcoming projects?
Melissa: I am happy to say that I recently launched a motivational book—The World Awaits your Greatness: A Guide to Inspired Living. Special order quantities are available for the paperback version, the e-Book also is available on Book Fusion and Kobo.

There are other projects that I am working on/aligned with, but at this time I cannot publicize; Please stay connected for more information.
6.    What is your philosophy in life?
Melissa: There are many life philosophies that I subscribe to, below I have shared a few:
·         Believe in your Greatness!©
·         Live the life that makes you whole, live that life that makes you happiest, just as long as you are causing harm to none.
·         Every hand that is dealt in life you can make it into a positive opportunity.

7.    In your opinion what do you think are the keys to success?
Melissa: Persistence is key! So too is developing mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual toughness.
·         Show up and do what you promised—your word should be your bond.
·         Life has no short cuts; if you want to realize our dreams you have to put in consistent work.
·         Never give up, take calculated risks and leap!
·         Maintaining great relationships are important.

8.    What made you start your business?
Melissa: Innately I am an Entrepreneur, but I wanted to impact people’s lives in a positive way.

9.    What blogs and websites do you follow and why?
Melissa: Lol, I follow too many to name, but it would be remiss if I didn’t mention my fellow Jamaican entities; suetanyamchorgh, TmrwTday, dreamjamaica, glenvilleashby, klegroup, theinnovators, nirvanagroup, Kemalbrown, ingridriley, businessaccesstv, JMMB, hadhaulage, buildexpojam... I admire their passionate desire(s) and the work that they are doing.

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