SueTanya Mchorgh

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Rohan Edwards

1.    Tell us more about yourself.
Rohan: I am a very fun, high energy and creative person. I am a Graphic Designer and I am always learning new things that can be applied to my craft so that I can make my clients happy.

2.    How did you get into your skill? 

Rohan: I have been designing flyers and album arts from my high school days. All the compliments and praises I got for my designs led me to realize that i have a skill and so
I decided to invest time and energy into it. So here I am Rohan Edwards the graphic designer.


3.    How do you promote yourself?
Rohan: iImainly promote myself through my website  ( I also use facebook and instagram.
4.    How can we get in touch with you?
Rohan:  You can visit my website or just send me an email at

5.    Do you have any upcoming projects?

Rohan: My next major project coming up is the Linstead Market Jamaica's 2018 calendar.I designed their last 2 calendars and they were awesome.

6.    What is your philosophy in life?

Rohan: My philosophy in life is, believe in yourself until people start to believe in you too. 

 7.    In your opinion what do you think are the keys to success?
Rohan: The keys to success is passion, knowledge and confidence.  Discover your passion, learn as much as you can and be confident in whatever you are doing. 

8.    What made you start your business?

Rohan: I realized that there is a market for graphic designers and but most of the designers out there lack the qualities I have : quality and creativity, so i decided not to be selfish.

9.    What blogs and websites do you follow and why?

Rohan:  Alexander Cruz ( is by far the bet graphic designer i have ever came across.

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