SueTanya Mchorgh

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How to build an email list from scratch

Email marketing is one of my favourite methods of promoting my business. Email marketing is a high impact way of delivering your marketing message to both your current customers and potential customers. It is one of my favourite methods because of its low cost. If you are interested in implementing email marketing in your strategy, keep reading.

So what's first? You'll need an autoresponder. There are a number of service providers like MailChimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, Get Response etc. I highly recommend MailChimp. Once you have you have decided on a service provided, the next step is to build up your email list. Here are some high-quality strategies I used to build my email list from scratch.

1. Put out the sign-up sheet

I know building an email list may seem like a daunting experience but it doesn’t have to be. Collecting emails can be as simple as putting out a signup sheet and encouraging people to write down their details.

2. Host an event

Hosting an event is a perfect way to gather potential client's contact details. If they take the time to come to your event, you already know they're interested in what you offer. Those are the type of people you want on your list anyway. They may not take advantage of your service right away but they may just take advantage of your offerings some time in the future. You can collect their contact details upon registration. You can also ask people to RSVP with their email addresses.

3. Invite people to join the club

Depending on the type of business you are in, you can consider creating a birthday or anniversary club that allows people to enroll by providing their email address and birthday or anniversary date. You can then reward the subscribers with a special offer or discount coupon on their birthday or anniversary date. The club doesn’t have to be birthday related either. You can create an exclusive club where the members get exclusive content, coupons, gifts etc. People love being a part of an exclusive club so it goes without saying this is one of the best ways to build an email list.

4. Website sign up forms and pop-ups

If a customer or prospect visits your website, it usually means they are interested in your offerings. Don’t miss the opportunity to collect their email address to further engage with them. After all, you got your website built for a reason right? Adding a pop-up or sign up form on your site to collect their email addresses. Mailchimp makes it really easy for you to embed sign up forms and pop ups to your site.

5. You can give away a piece of Valuable Content

This method is very common. See, you have to give people a reason to sign up for your mailing list. Giving away useful content in exchange for an email address works wonders for building an email list. The content can be in the form of video, audio, ebooks etc

6. Word of mouth still rocks

You can ask your current and new customers to refer new subscribers to your list. You can try to sweeten the deal by offering them a discount as a reward.

7. Email Signature.

You can also add a link to your sign-up form in your email signature. This way when they click on your email signature it takes them to a page for them to sign up.

Hope you found this post very helpful. Building an email list definitely takes time but once done right can be a huge benefit to your business. What tactics do you use to collect more emails?

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