SueTanya Mchorgh

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How To Create A Vision Board That Works

I know a lot of people who struggle with completing their goals year after year.  They get excited during this time of the year, anticipating the next year and all the goals they hope to achieve. Eventually, their passion for achieving these goals die down and they got lost in all the ups and downs life throws at them.
Sounds familiar? I used to be like this until I decided I wanted more out of life. I was introduced to vision boards, focused on my goals and my entire life change.  If you're one of those people, setting goals year after year but can't seem to achieve them, you've come to the right place. Here are a few tips to help you to crush your goals in 2018!

What goes on a Vision Board?

The idea is to create a visual board that focuses on your goals and what you want to become. So the board should contain things that inspire and motivates you. I recommend that you also try to keep it simple. After all, you want to be able to achieve the goals. 

1. You need to be in the right mood. Make sure you are in the best mood when attempting to create your vision board. 

2. Visualize. Ask yourself what would your ideal life look like?  What would truly make you happy?  If you had the chance to change the way things are now, what would you change?  If money were not a factor, what would your life look like? What kind of relationship would you have? What career field would you be in?  On your deathbed what would people say about you? You may not have the answer right away, it may take a couple of days, this, however, is the most important step in creating a vision board that works.

3. Find visual representations.This is my favourite part. It's very hard to work towards something if you have no idea what it feels like to have it. Keeping motivated is the thing most people struggle with. The best way to keep motivated is to look for visual representations online.  Pinterest is my go-to site. Back in the day when I wanted to buy my first car I spent hours scanning through Pinterest looking for images of cars. I added that to my vision board.  Every single morning I was reminded of my goal and it kept me motivated.

4. Add your images to your vision board. Get creative, make it eye catching, make it so you want to look at it everyday. 

5. Review your vision board daily. Look at that vision board every single day of your life until your goals are achieved. Once your goals is achieved you can take it down from the board until it's empty. 

Now that you have all you need to create your vision board, I hope you take these tips and take action. You too can live the life you want. Please note that creating a vision board will not automatically make your dreams come true. It's for inspiration and motivational purposes. It is now your duty to take action to make the goals on the vision board a reality. Know that you will have to change your habits, probably drop a few friends, take a few risks to achieve these goals. 

Sidenote: Prayer works. Pray every single day, be grateful and keep focused, visualize, set goals, take action and celebrate every victory. Those are my secrets to my success.

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