SueTanya Mchorgh

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How To Make The Most Of Your Qualifications

A good education and decent qualifications are always going to be important, and the last thing you’ll want after spending however many years working towards getting your degree or specialist certification is not to use it to its fullest - or at all. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to make the most of your qualifications to ensure you get where you want to go and don’t waste any time getting there.

Be Proactive In Your Career

If you’ve got the right qualifications for a job, you’ll need to be proactive if you want to use them and not let them go to waste - so don’t wait for opportunities to come to you because you might be waiting for a long time (you might be waiting forever). Instead, search out new opportunities and make sure your qualifications finally get to be used in the way they were intended to be. 

If you feel as though your current job was only ever meant to be a temporary thing, then let that really be the case and take a step forward to doing what you really want to do. In other words, think about what doors your qualifications could open up for you and apply for jobs, attend job fairs, and talk to experts about what your next steps should be. If you don’t, it’ll probably lead to regrets, and that’s not a good way to live your life. 

Be Brave

If you want to make the most out of your qualifications, you might have to step outside of your comfort zone and apply for some jobs that you wouldn’t have thought of before. Your qualifications can do so much, and it might be that you can look at some new ideas you hadn’t considered before. 

For example, if you’re a qualified nurse, why not consider looking for travel nurse jobs? You’ll literally be stepping out of your comfort zone as you’ll be traveling around, but you’ll also ensure that you get to use your hard-earned qualifications and that you can progress your career all at the same time. 

If you don’t like where your qualifications have led you, you can also look in another direction and try something else - you don’t ever have to stick with a job you don’t like, so be brave, and those qualifications of yours might just lead the way to a whole new - and satisfying - job. 

Get More

Your qualifications will hopefully have got you so far in life - assuming you used them and got a job that required them, of course. However, there might come a point when you can’t go any further with the certificates and degrees you already have, and you’ll need to make a choice - do you stick where you are (and that’s perfectly fine - you might be happy with the level you’ve reached, and if you’ve got great job satisfaction then it’s worthwhile) or do you push further? 

If you decide to do the latter, you’ll need to look at what other qualifications you might need to help you. If you’ve got a bachelor’s degree, perhaps it’s time to get a master’s. If you’ve got a master’s, it might be time for a PhD. Or perhaps you need a different kind of qualification or an updated certificate. You won’t know until you look further into it, but there’s always more you can learn, and if you want to make the most of your qualifications, sometimes the best way to do that is to use them as a springboard for something else - the next step, in other words. 


Perhaps you like - or even love - your current job, but you don’t like the working hours, or you want to be paid more, for example. If you don’t have any great qualifications, then it’s going to be hard to negotiate a better deal, but if you do have that all-important qualification, and it’s something your boss appreciates, then you have some power, and you can use it to your benefit when you need to. 

Make an appointment to see your boss, and don’t be afraid to ask about flexibility or a pay rise if you feel you deserve it, it would help you work better, and your qualifications show that you can do the work. If your boss doesn’t want to lose you, they’ll be open to what you’re asking for, and if they’re not, you can use your excellent qualifications to find a job elsewhere, so it’s a win-win.