SueTanya Mchorgh

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The old me vs the new me

Check out this “Before” and “After” photo of me.

Back in the day I was super shy. I was always the “quiet” one in whatever group of friends I found myself in. It wasn’t that I didn’t have anything to say, because I did. I was just afraid that the people around me wouldn’t want to hear it. This behaviour followed me into my work life and relationships. If I could go back in time, 10 years ago and tell my 17 years old self a few things, one would be to Believe in yourself  .  I think that was one of my biggest problems growing up.  I lacked confidence and was very timid. Eventually I learnt, in order to make it in this world you need confidence.

I would also tell myself to Keep focused. I felt like I wasted a lot of my time when I was younger because I never really knew or understood the path that I was supposed to take. All I could hear was what everyone else wanted for me and it was just confusing. I was a people pleaser and it was tiresome. Now I live my own life .

Be patient and your time will come . There were too many times where I got so  worked up about the failures in my life. I would dwell on it so much that it held me back. Now I know that failures happen, whether I like it or not but once I don’t give up and keep pushing, I can find the solution.

As I approach my thirties I plan to live my life to the fullest on my own terms and just be happy.