SueTanya Mchorgh

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What are your 2017 resolutions?

It's the first of December and before you know it will be Christmas and New Years. Already, I am thinking about my 2017 resolutions. I am having such a great time in 2016, achieved a lot of my goals in 2016 and I am already thinking of how to make 2017 better than 2016. A little bit previous right?  My first question to you is,  how many of you are thinking about your New Years Resolutions? How many of you are not thinking about it? I think most of you would say the latter  and here is what I found. Most people don't bother to set New Year's resolutions because they've set some before in the past and then a few weeks to a month into the year they're forgotten.  Some of us try to stay committed to the resolutions and then LIFE gets in the way and we just forgot about them right ? So I guess it's safe to say the problem is setting resolutions that we can actually achieve.  Here are some tips to help you to set your 2017 resolutions and actually achieve them. 



Tip Number 1: Come up with attainable resolutions. 

One common mistake is that when thinking of resolutions we think about some big goals that we know in our hearts we can't achieve in a year. Like buying a Range Rover or buying a mansion. Before setting any type of goals, really think and ask yourself can I really achieve this by the end of the year? Be positive and push yourself  but be realistic.  Once you have your resolutions in mind, set a start date and an end date for these resolutions.  Don't wait until the end of the year to think of your resolutions. Start to think about them from now. What do you really want to achieve in the new year? 

Tip Number 2: Commit to these resolutions

COMMIT-MENT! For some reason, a lot of people don't like this word but this is very important. You have to be able to commit to these resolutions. All successful resolution have one thing in common and that is commitment. Remind yourself of your resolutions often and just go for it. 

Tip Number 3: Anticipate the problems

Know and understand that it won't be smooth sailing. There will be problems. Keep calm during these times, don't panic. Start to think of some of the possible problems you may encounter and have a solution or back up plan ready. 

Tip Number 4: Accept failure

You are not perfect. While the aim is to achieve your resolutions if you come across a hurdle that you can cross don't stress about it. Simply try and try until you succeed.Try to find another way to solve the problem or modify the resolution. #perseveranceiskey

Tip Number 5: Reward yourself

Give yourself small rewards to encourage and motivate you along the way.  Trust me this will help a lot. 

Still need some help with adding entries to your resolution list? Here are some ideas that you can consider:

  1. Get in shape

  2. Stop procrastinating

  3. Earn more money or an extra income

  4. Quit smoking

  5. Get out of debt

  6. Start saving

  7. Buy a car

  8. Cut stress

  9. Go back to school

  10. Smile more

What are your 2017 resolutions? I would love to hear about it. Leave a comment below :) Also, share this link with someone you think might be interested. 

See this gallery in the original post