SueTanya Mchorgh

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Working From Home

Admit it. Working from home sounds cool, right? If someone told me that I would end up working from home a couple of years ago I would have given them a confused look because until a few years ago, I didn't know it was possible. 

You have no idea how thrilled I am to be in this position where I can run and operate my business from home. I enjoy the freedom it gives me and I love and enjoy being creative. Freelancing or working from home is no walk in the park and I don't think it's for everyone.  If you're considering working from home I would suggest you do research first, devise a plan before you start your freelancing journey. 

Let me share with you how an average day at home is like.  

1. Prayer and meditation come first. I spend at least 10 minutes praying for guidance and getting my mind ready for the day ahead. It's also during this time that I put the tasks for the day on my todo list. 

2. I also try to exercise daily for a maximum of 30 minutes and noticed I said try because I get lazy at times. 

3. I tend to my several social media accounts and I spend no more than 30 minutes.  FYI I have a lot of accounts that I manage.  I do this daily because I find that I get better results when I remain consistent. 

4. I check my emails right after I do social media engagements. I spend no more than 15 minutes on my emails.  The quickest way to go through your emails is to create a document with standard replies so you can simply copy and paste the answers. You can also consider getting rid of junk emails. 

5. The to-do list is next. Depending on the task I will give myself an hour or two to complete and take 15 minutes break after each task is completed.

7. At the end of the day, which is usually 5pm for me, I  select an activity to do at the end that will make me happy.  Whether it's going for a walk, watching a movie, listening to a podcast, hanging with friends, whatever it is, it has to make me happy. 

That's pretty much my daily routine. I try to work Monday to Friday and leave the weekends for rest and unplugging.  Here are some additional tips for those people interested in working from home:

  • Set time aside daily to learn new things

  • Put your phone on silent during the day so that it doesn't distract you

  • Assess yourself monthly

  • Interact and network with like-minded persons

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