SueTanya Mchorgh

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Guest Post: Your Biggest Influences In 2018 Will Be Buried In Three (3) Garlands

In 2018, three(3) garlands spurred by your influences will define your life. And talking about your life, I mean the two states that makes a man get off from bed to work his butt off. It is your Happiness and Unhappiness states – (sad state).

These two states we know are capable of turning the table upside down. People get happy and do wonderful things, the same people get furious and do logical things. Not just normal things, I am talking about circumstances if observed under the microscope does not wear a baby diaper.  

For some of us, our garland will be bad business/partnership, relationship (intimate), sources of information taken in. And to some, it will be the struggle to define the mission and visions of their lives.

You know,

One of the troubling garlands in the world now is the ability for relationships to stick. We hear of the separation game – divorces as frequent as if we are reading new blogs posts. And the most amazing thing is that we take it for granted.

Helloooo, we are in 2018. If you don’t manage that particular relationship you are in now. Not only will you be unhappy – manageable though. Your garland will affect someone you don’t want to hear. Just think about it.

See the shocking statistics.

A recent lecture, marriage expert Hellen Chen asserted that 85 percent of relationships end in a break up. Seeing as only the elite few relationships end in marriage, and 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, this really can’t come as too much of a shock to anyone. Yet, still we trudge on, hoping the next one is the one that will do the trick.

While I am no professor of intimate relationships- Let me give you a clearer example.

In case you were excited to have a sweet sixteen or thirty as the case may be, and suddenly, you got stuck or frustrated on the way – things not really working as planned.  

To you, you thought it was just going to the win bar and downloading your heart. The usual lines – I am madly in love with you. Luckily, she said yes!

Fast track to 30 days, she became bored around you.  Oh, my! Believe me, you never saw that coming. Predicted, the next question is where did I get it all wrong? Don’t get it twisted because I will tell you.

Before I answer you. A quick hack for people that always look for love with desperation.

Be careful of what you ask for else, you might go from where you were (your stable state) to where you didn’t want to be (your worst state).

[Tweet "Be careful of what you ask for else, you might go from where you were (your stable state) to where you didn’t want to be (your worst state). "]

At this point, it is only Jack Canfield (THE BOOK - HOW TO GET FROM WHERE YOU ARE TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE) that will salvage you.

Answering your question now.

Where you went wrong, right?

You got it all wrong when your desperation turned you a by go man. That is to say. You always wanting to see your date. Imagine hanging around your date from 17th November 2017 (she accepted your proposal) till 5th December 2017 without missing a day. Is that fair, what about her space, what about the sense to miss you? No wonder you were single on December 10th2017. Lol.

You got it wrong when you forgot a love language that says “Always give a girl her space, especially when you’re trying to woo her. Don’t keep bumping into her intentionally, avoid constantly staring at her each time she’s talking to another guy, and stop calling her every night. Give her the chance to miss you around”,

Okay, that’s it. A great hack for newbies. Always bear it in mind, most people do not like too a clingy person.

Now, you may ask how this is relevant. It is because it is one of the garlands that can influence your happy or sad state in 2018. Just imagine breaking up on 25th December. Wouldn’t it be nice to wear a black and black; sac-cloth than a red and white? Haaha!



While we have already specified some garlands, ours for consideration will be tied to three - business/partnership, relationship (intimate), and information take-ins.

You may ask why the three.

From observation, almost every of man’s biggest problems has always come from those neighborhoods.

If unhappy in a relationship, business partnership not working out, believe me further misgiving information taken in can make things even dirtier.

So, a man’s life is tied mostly to those three. And if their garlands will be influenced, these three need be questioned.


Garland is simply a state, a bucket you find yourself at a particular time. Of course, it can be more or less a state of mind.

Although Isuamfon Offiong explained how and why you should reveal your sheets in 2018 for total wholeness, I want to stress a little bit about it.

Your concealed sheets can be your biggest influence in 2018 which will disrupt your garland.  There is no need to be ashamed because we all have our sheets. Some were caused by us and some just happen because they are sheets.

The most mitigating effect is that we can’t be happy with our concealed sheets. At least not for 2018. I revealed my sheets and got wholeness. You as well can learn and get it down without being ashamed.



Your Relationships

I don’t know the level and type of relationship you are in right now. The big deal however is, it can be your biggest influence – a determinant of your sad happy states.

Without mixing words, I know that love can make men blind or act irrationally. And the next moment will be suicide if not tamed. I still remember those years back then when I had a fight with my sweet sixteen in high school. We fell apart and I was quick to finalize everything which was; that’s it, we are done!

Don’t take the later too serious because I was the one that first picked up my flat 2008 Motorola cell phone and called her.

But there was a twist. In a fight I was supposed to be the offended. I turned the accused. My offense? For saying it was over! Just over an issue I was supposed to be a fair hearer.

 The thing was that I couldn’t just stand being sick for my sweet sixteen's love. And the only choice left on the table was the reconciliation.

In case you want to follow the rather path, Isuamfon Offiong will soon post three (3) unforgivable gifts you can give your enemies in 2018.

See, if at a teenage level, I could run amok with my feelings, how much more those that are courting and married? So, no need to establish further how (our relationships) it can influence us, right?.

The best option now is knowing your sheets and playing the cards because everybody at one point in time had their bad relationship garland. The simple hack is both parties working on themselves.

If you two won’t do this together, forget about mending. Because doing your part from one angle will put a wholesome question and demand on the other partner. This will be the effect of not doing it together.

You learn a particular relationship concept (a need for your man to fulfill). You wait for him to know it and act. But this is 3 years still waiting. In 2018, you have already decided that on January 11th, you will blow it off.

One advice please. Instead of blowing it off on his ignorant, it is better you reveal his sheets to him, thank you.


The Virtue: How To Work It Out


#1. Commit to Working Together

If you don’t want the relationship to be your biggest influenced garland, you can commit to working together with your partner.  

If he does not want to collaborate. I’m just wondering if he wants it to work after all.


#2. Don’t Be Judgmental

It is not easy to pass this test most especially if your partner gives you every reason to judge him or her.

While humans are just another free moral agents, being judgmental can belittle you if at the end of the day, what you concluded was vague.

Of course, I know it is still not easy not to judge when you are taken for granted. If you would hear me out, one thing that can make you a better person is watching things closely before showing the red card - conclusion.


#3. Don’t Over Exaggerate

I don’t really know if exaggeration is same as being judgmental, but I have in my relationship learned not to always Over Exaggerate – not even a bit again.


My guesses are always wrong.

Hang on! I will give you a big picture - an example.

This is it.

I can immediately exaggerate that my girlfriend doesn’t want to pick my calls just because I called 3 times without a pickup. That’s super easy to get me upset, mostly if the situational report was important (lol-situation report).

At such an event, it is easy to be influenced into over exaggerating that she didn’t want to pick my calls or something. But the REALITY?

After it all. I will find out that the phone was charged at the barbers’ shop. (Just hoping that is a great example).

Believe me, even though I don’t have a hot or black blood to over reacting, some folks can call the relationship up if that happens more often.


#4. Put Yourself In Her Shoe

Reading this heading, so many people will feel some guilt inside of them.


 Because they overreacted and so, dissolve a relationship that took an understanding of 10 damm years to build. They are guilty because if they had put their shoe in their partner’s sandals, they would have understood what It means to wear a rubber sandal with robes all over (kind of shoe worn by those that nailed Jesus on the cross).

So, the next time you will be influenced by this garland, Put Yourself in Her Shoe and vice versa – if thou be a lady.


#5. Reveal & Talk About Your Anger

It isn’t wise to pile up hate and anger against your partner. If she has done something wrong. The matter is very simple. We have a mouth, unless we don't want to.

But if you will, simply call her and settle it up. At least it is better than being influenced to dwell at the sad or bitter garland.



Your Business/Partnership

How many have tried and failed? I mean partnering in business – two people agreeing to manage the same venture.  I am just wondering who wants to be outplayed…

While that is established, before going into business partnership with anybody, it may be wise for you two to track down your terms and conditions, benefits, percentages, profit stretches and other add-ons in front of your attorneys, signed and sealed.

This is so important because apart from making you sad, you can be sure of death if the card is played wrongly. Else, a nonstructural partnership is not what you need in 2018.

But the real deal?

Instead of having your head cut off out of jealousy or strive, it is better to start up your own business. In case you are worried of the source of startup capital. You can access how to get it now.



Information Taken In


In 2017, I don’t know how the information you took in affected you, but for me, an article that was so controversial in 2017 was the one that read “5 Definitive Scammy Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Believe Or Invest In Bitcoin”.

To my surprise, the article pulled up to 60+ comments. Now, this article is just one of its kind, the type of information that is a determinant of your success or failure. (Depending on your stretch of dealings).

That being said, the type of information and the sources you will get them from will insanely affect your mind. If Negative, you will be pushed act on them.

Not just that, after being received, it will weigh you down. And if it weighs you down, it will sweep your feet.

In case you are wondering if it is possible. No need because it is evident. Out of the heart, the mouth speaketh. Also, out of the piles of negative information received (not 2018 again please), the mouth will still speak, but this time with actions. 

You know, it is easy to read a News Tabloid and be negative, enraged and suddenly, you start accusing everybody and blaming the government for your misfortunes.

One thing you don’t realize sometimes is that people wake up to write rubbish and garbage. And we the “Nat Go Wild Information Adventures” will stripe it open even the more, internalize them, and become so negative and self-destructible to the next person. Please watch Out!

If you will hear me out. Most of the gossips and information you read online, they are wrong and are as false as a blackened pot. People just incubate information to become popular and you from your end internalize them and become so enraged.

Now, that influence (source of information taken in) will turn your garland from sadness, unhappiness to malice and hate. And believe me, a person of hate is capable of anything if not controlled.

As always, I will affirm. Be careful of what you ask for. The information you ask for, read because it can par or mar thee in 2018 and your garland submerged.

I can attest that reading this blog - is great. Also

But if you were lost at some point,

At this point, you need these 5 Restructuring Books To Restructure Your Mind For 2018 if it had gone ablaze in 2017. The books are to be read before 20th of January. The reason is to set your mind apart for the good tidings of 2018.



Your biggest influences in 2018 will tie to three garlands you cherish most. These garlands evidently has the power to blow your mind negatively. Imagine failing in relationship, business partnership and getting all the free garbage online. You are mostly done for!

I don’t want to talk about depression because it is not a good state. These three garlands can hand pick you and depress-matize you. And your only way out will be to ask the Attitude is Everything Guy to help you.

Okay, guys. I don’t want you to miss the spark 2018 has to offer. Squarely, this should be one of our best years. Thank God, it is not late to start out.

You decide not to be pushed around and you too can decide the opposite. The fork is in your hands to winnow the threshing floor.

Last words: don’t give your best energy to these three (3) garlands (negative portions) in 2018. You can be better off  from today.

So, gird your loins and go in this thy might because year Two Thousand And Eighteen has been pecked for your greatest year.

Act and know God is on ya side. #Success #Bizdynamicx.



About Isuamfon

Isuamfon Offiong is A Value Placed Orator, Writer at BIZDYNAMICX and a Graduate of Civil Engineering. In my community, no one is an under achiever, that’s why I write value placed posts on the Dynamicx of How-to-Productivity, Business, Crypto-finance and Income Ritual.

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