Entrepreneur Highlight: Javane Burke-Duss Accessories


1.    Tell us more about yourself.
Javane: My name is Javane Burke or Javi or Javi Duss.  I'm a 25 years old entrepreneur from Kingston Jamaica. My business is Duss Clothing and Accessories.

2.    How did you get into your skill? 

Javane:  I developed my business skills from my days in primary school where I would convince my peers to buy sweets/candy. From there I realized I had the marketing skill. 


3.    How do you promote yourself?

Javane: I promote myself through social media and also direct approach.  I cater for young teens up  and adults. I try to cater to the mass. 

4.    How can we get in touch with you?
Javane:   You can connect with me through any of my social media accounts: 

Whatsapp - Number is located on my Instagram page 

Instagram @ duss_accessories

Facebook : Duss clothing and accessories

Snapchat: javi_duss

Instagram @king_javiduss


5.    Do you have any upcoming projects?

Javane: I have an upcoming video to promote my page this month. I am currently sourcing a few Instagram sensations for promotions also. My graphic designer is currently working on my business cards as well. 

6.    What is your philosophy in life?

Javane: Sometimes parent's advice will never take you where you want to be in life. Always follow your mind and take risks in life. 
Take risk while you are young, so if you fail you can always adjust.

Note: Unsuccessful persons make decisions based on their current situation but a SUCCESSFUL person makes decisions based on where they want to be.

 7.    In your opinion what do you think are the keys to success?
Javane: Food for thought: Oprah lost her job at 23. But she did not give up. Look how successful she is right now. Stay focus, erase negativity from your life.

8.    What made you start your business?

Javane:  I didn't start because I was financially crippled. I start because it’s a dream. Income from more than one angles will be fruitful when chasing those goals. 

9.    What blogs and websites do you follow and why?

Javane:  I always listen to business moguls Interviews such as DJ Khaled, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Dr. Dre,Etc...

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