Entrepreneur Highlight: Knakia Boreland

1.    Tell us more about yourself.
Knakia: I’m a logical person whose creativity comes from interpreting the beauty of life. I’m determined, driven and is confident about my future successes. 

2.    How did you get into your skill? 

Knakia: It was about the age of 16 when I realized my super powers would not be forthcoming and it is then that I decided not to settle but go for the next best thing which was working in the creative industry. 

3.    How do you promote yourself?
Knakia: I promote myself through my website at Kjayagency.com and through social media (Instagram & Facebook) at KJAYS Creative Agency and also by the ever popular word of mouth.

4.    How can we get in touch with you?
Knakia:  You may contact me at any of the mediums listed above as well as at info@kjaysagency.com
5.    Do you have any upcoming projects?

Knakia: I have a few weddings coming up and is working on a photo series that I will be debuting soon. Follow and stay tuned to all my social media pages and website for updates. 
6.    What is your philosophy in life?

Knakia:“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” – Sean Carter (Jay-Z) 

 7.    In your opinion what do you think are the keys to success?
Knakia: Personally my one key to success is determined by how bad you want it! That is what essentially drives you to work harder each day to achieve your success. 

8.    What made you start your business?

Knakia: The force behind starting my business was all about what contribution I could make in the     world and how that contribution would enable lasting legacy.

9.    What blogs and websites do you follow and why?

Knakia: www.fstoppers.com www.forbes.com www.entrepreneurs.com  
I follow these websites because they are insightful and provides a daily kick of motivation to keep going. They also highlight stories and present information that I can relate to and what inspires me. 


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