Why Giving Things Away Can Help Your Business

As a customer, you’re probably going to love it when you get something for free from a business you’re buying products or services from, especially if it comes as a surprise. But as a business owner, the idea of giving things away might be the last thing on your mind, especially if you’re already on a tight budget and you need to make the most of every penny.

However, there are actually some great reasons why it’s not a terrible idea to give things away when you run a business; it can even help you grow and reach your goals more quickly. With that in mind, keep reading to find out more about why freebies could be exactly the right thing for your business to focus on. 

It Leaves A Good Impression

Your customers won’t only be buying from you; they’ll have plenty of other options, and they’ll purchase things from plenty of other stores or businesses, including your competitors. They’ll do that unless you give them a great reason to only buy from you and one of those reasons is that you make them feel good. It’s that simple; if you make someone feel good, they’ll want to come back to you again and again. 

By giving things away (usually things that don’t cost you a lot but that the customer can enjoy and get value from), you’ll give people a good impression of you and your business and make them feel good enough to come back - and tell others about you too. 

Show Off Your Range

You won’t always want to give away items of your stock that you would otherwise sell - sometimes businesses prefer to give away marketing materials, and we’ll look at that shortly - but it could work out well if you do. 

It’s a good idea to have new items to sell once in a while so that people don’t start to get bored of what you offer and to give yourself more chance of making sales. However, persuading current customers to try those things, especially if they’re quite different, can be hard. Giving a little away, on the other hand, means more people will try your new range and, hopefully, they’ll come back and buy more when they realize how good it is. 

Marketing Opportunities 

As we said, you don’t have to give away items from your stock, and instead you can buy things specifically to give away, knowing that although they’ll cost you money, they’re actually part of your marketing campaign and they can help bring in more customer and drive more sales as a result. 

Giving away things like baseball caps or tote bags with your logo on them, or handing out branded pens, or even choosing to make holographic stickers online to give away to your customers when they buy from you will all contribute to your marketing. People will use or wear the items and be reminded of you all the time, but on top of this, other people will see those logos and that branding too, and could be curious enough to check you out.