Posts in 20 questions with Sue
10 questions you should ask yourself this year

By now you should already have the goals that you want to achieve this year in mind. A round of applause to you. The fact that you have your goals ready tells me that you know exactly what you want which is amazing. I wish you all the best in 2019.

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20 questions with Sue-Tanya

1. How long have you been blogging for?
Since December 2016.

2. What are some of the challenges you've faced on your entrepreneurial journey?
You have to constantly be proving yourself. You have to develop a thick skin. You have to learn how to take criticisms and know that the  customer is ALWAYS RIGHT… even when…...

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20 Questions with Sue-Tanya

1. What motivated you to start a blog?

I always wanted a personal website. When I was done with  this site I started to look at ways to make the website better. I figured a blog would be exciting. I always wanted one anyway but didn't believe I had enough content to keep it going  so I challenged myself and here we are.

2. Who is your fashion inspiration ?

My fashion is inspired by a lot of people. One person I really like and she has a blog too is Natasha Lee. I like her style. She looks good every single time.

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