Jamaica Carnival 2019
This year I decided to do a Vlog on my Jamaica carnival experience with Xaymaca International. Check out my Vlog on Jamaica Carnival 2019 below.
From the moment I saw the costume I was in love with it. As if the costumes weren’t bomb enough, Xodus social media presence and website totally persuaded my choice to actually participate in Jamaica Carnival 2017. Check out their site here. The process to purchase the costume was simple. You could either purchase through the site, make a deposit to their bank account or go into their office. They also had samples of the costumes on display for you to choose. Costumes ranged from $450 USD - 1200 $USD and it was dependent on the accessories you wanted for your costumes, for example the type of backpacks, etc.
Jump up day is right around the corner and whether you are a newbie or a veteran nothing beats being prepared for the best day ever. I remember my first carnival march day like it was yesterday and I was so unprepared and there were a lot of things I wished I did different. So here are some tips to help you get ready for march day.

Belize was the third country that we visited on our cruise. I enjoyed the time here in Belize city. Next to Mexico, Belize would be my favourite. We were very much on a budget so we didn't grab any of the excursions on board.