Mastering Pinterest for Small Business Owners

When you think of social media, most people think of the big three: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. For small business owners especially, these are the main platforms where they’re able to connect with and inform their customers. Most small businesses have profiles across several, if not all three social media platforms. As the social era of the internet is only gaining traction, it’s no surprise that keeping up means learning new social media tricks. The next important platform that businesses are already beginning to utilize, is Pinterest.

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You may know it as an image search site, or a place to create mood boards, but the fact is that its 250 million strong user-base is a great place to market your small business. Not only are users incredibly open to discovering new brands, but 90% of Pinners use the platform to make purchase decisions. Catching Pinterest users while they are close to a purchase decision and open to discovering new brands is ideal for small business owners.

To make the most of your small business Pinterest profile, you can use both organic shares and promoted pins. With sharing content, you don’t have to worry about competing against larger brands, as Pinterest’s search algorithm sorts mainly by relevance and shares. With an advertising budget, Promoting pins is another great way to get your content seen, as 50% of users make a purchase after seeing a promoted pin.

So, take a look at this helpful infographic by Fundera to learn how to set up your small business Pinterest profile today.

Pinterest Profile
