My 2017 New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hope you all had a great time ringing in the new year. I do hope you were able to spend it with your partner, family or friends.  I am so excited about the new year and all that it has to offer. I am on a quest this year to become a better version of myself.  I have my goals ready and I thought I would share it with you. 

In 2017 I would like to ......

  1. Save 10% of my income

  2. Exercise

  3. Drink more WATER... ugggh

  4. Travel to another country

  5. Do something fun every month

  6. Eat properly

  7. Take a cooking class

  8. Keep this blog going

  9. Improve my time management skills

  10. Keep my store going

  11. Give up bad habits like :procrastination, negative self talk and self rejection

  12. Keep motivated

  13. Learn a new skill

  14. Sleep more

  15. Take risks

What are your new year resolutions or goals? Comment below. Like .Share .Comment