Posts tagged business women
Top 5 reasons why every girl should own a business

Hey, ladies. This one is for you. As you must by now I am all about girl power and entrepreneurship and I love to see women with the CEO title beside their names. We've come a far way from just being housewives and nurses to being able to do just about any job out there. So imagine how surprised I was to overhear a girl say to her friend that she doesn't need a job. What she needs is a rich man.

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Suchen Chin

Occasionally we will be interviewing young entrepreneurs where we get to know them, the type of business they're in and gain insights on their journey as an entrepreneur. Today I introduce Suchen Chin and she will be telling us more about her business.

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Michellae Walker

Occasionally we will be interviewing young entrepreneurs where we get to know them, the type of business they're in and gain insights on their journey as an entrepreneur. Today I introduce Michellae Walker and she will be telling us more about her business.

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Meet Sabrina Miller

Occasionally we will be interviewing young entrepreneurs where we get to know them, the type of business they're in and gain insights on their journey as an entrepreneur. Today I introduce Sabrina and she will be telling us more about her business.

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Meet Stacy

Occasionally we will be interviewing young entrepreneurs where we get to know them, the type of business they're in and gain insights on their journey as an entrepreneur. Today we're introducing Stacy  and she will be telling us more about her Financial blog.

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