Posts tagged inspirational
27 things I learnt in 27 years

I am almost 30, yikes! I remember celebrating my 21st birthday a few years ago and now I am looking forward to my 28th. Life has taught me so many lessons. Every day , every week, every year I continue to grow and learn more. I am proud of myself on how far I’ve come, the things I have achieved, and I am excited to do more and learn more.  These 27 years have been amazing, hard, difficult and fulfilling all in one. Here are 27 life lessons I’ve learnt in my 27 years.

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Keeping Motivated

I’ve gotten this question a lot and today I am happy to share how I stay motivated. Between freelancing, running an online clothes store, blogging, podcasting, maintaining my own website and dancing it’s a  must that I stay productive and on top of my game.

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How my grandpa's funeral turned into a wakeup call

Initially this post was to be an ode to my dearest grandpa, who passed away in February. He lived 97 years on this earth. He was a man who loved God and  made it his life long mission to spread the good word. The inspiration came while I was at his funeral.

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30 Inspirational Quotes To Help You Rock This Year

Every new year we write our goals down but what do we do to keep motivated? One thing I usually do is look for motivational quotes and save them on my phone and look at them in times when I am feeling defeated or uninspired in hopes that I would remember my goals and get motivated again. 

 I’ve selected  30 free motivational/inspirational quotes. These are my faves, the ones that give me a little oomph to do some goal crushing. Hope it inspires you as well.

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