Posts tagged inspiration
Your life isn't going well... blame your damn self

Did you know that you have all that you need to change your life? Let me tell you a little story. A long time ago, around the age of 17, I remember feeling stuck. I wasn't sure what I wanted in life and it felt like all my decisions, my choices, the things I was doing, was to please someone else, namely my parents. I didn't feel like I had any control or felt like I had a say in my own life. 

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Keeping Motivated

I’ve gotten this question a lot and today I am happy to share how I stay motivated. Between freelancing, running an online clothes store, blogging, podcasting, maintaining my own website and dancing it’s a  must that I stay productive and on top of my game.

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How my grandpa's funeral turned into a wakeup call

Initially this post was to be an ode to my dearest grandpa, who passed away in February. He lived 97 years on this earth. He was a man who loved God and  made it his life long mission to spread the good word. The inspiration came while I was at his funeral.

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How Changing Your Mindset Can Change Your Circumstances

I remember when I just got my job at Eservice (a call centre). I wasn’t working for a while before that so I was hungry and determined to make up for lost time. I wrote down the things that I wanted to achieve and the timeframe I needed it done by. I was about 20 years old at the time but I wasn’t anywhere near where I wanted to be. I knew something had to change. I remember reading Alvin Day’s book around that time, If Caterpillars Can Fly-So Can I and it talked about the universal laws to achieve and prosper.  I remember thinking I needed to CHANGE MY MINDSET and CHANGE MY LIFE and this new job was going to get me there.

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