Posts tagged work life balance tips
4 Tips to Build a Strong and Balanced Workforce

Whether you’re building a remote workforce for your startup or planning to hire staff members to work in your office, it’s incredibly important to put together a balanced workforce. You can’t just aim to hire veterans because they’ll all retire at the same time, and you can’t hire new talent alone because they don’t have experience. So here are four tips to help you put together a strong and balanced workforce.

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Work- Life balance is a myth...

One of the things I talk about as a freelancer, as an entrepreneur, is this freedom. the freedom to choose when you want to work, where you want to work and maintaining this concept of life-work balance. We work because we want to make money. Money pays the bills, money gives us this life that we want. So we all strive to balance life and work but can they be balanced? Can you truly balance your life and your work and be successful at both.

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