Posts in Podcast
Work- Life balance is a myth...

One of the things I talk about as a freelancer, as an entrepreneur, is this freedom. the freedom to choose when you want to work, where you want to work and maintaining this concept of life-work balance. We work because we want to make money. Money pays the bills, money gives us this life that we want. So we all strive to balance life and work but can they be balanced? Can you truly balance your life and your work and be successful at both.

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Entrepreneur Highlight: TL DISTRICT

Occasionally I will be interviewing young entrepreneurs where we get to know them, the type of business they're in and gain insights on their journey as an entrepreneur. Today I introduce Cassie and she will be telling us more about her business.

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Saving is key

When was the last time you went to the bank and put some money in your savings? Let's face it we spend alot, we focus mainly on the things we need to get, making money but we hardly think about saving. Saving is very important.  Whether you have a goal in mind, trying to pay off a debt or preparing for your future saving is something you should be doing. Agree?

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