Posts tagged entrpreneur
How To Prep For Your First Trade Show As Freelancer

Being a freelancer brings a host of advantages, such as being able to set your schedule and decide how much work you do. But it also comes with a host of costs too - including the fact that there’s nobody you can fall back on to support you. If you want to get something done, you have to do it all yourself.

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Preparing Yourself For Entrepreneurship

Running a business is no joke. I think a lot of persons look at all these successful businesses opening up and think yeah that's easy, hate to break it to you it's not. This is not to discourage anyone considering starting their own business. Everyone knows I am all about creating your own wealth but if you really want to succeed at it, you have to put in the work and "this work" is not just about being the best in the type of products or services you're selling. The work also includes preparing ourselves mentally. Here are three things I recommend that you do to prepare yourself for entrepreneurship.

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Stacy Ann Hayles

Occasionally we will be interviewing young entrepreneurs where we get to know them, the type of business they're in and gain insights on their journey as an entrepreneur. Today I introduce Stacy and she will be telling us more about her business.

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