Posts tagged blogging
How to build an email list from scratch

Email marketing is one of my favourite methods of promoting my business. Email marketing is high impact way of delivering your marketing message to both your current customers and potential customers. It is one of my favourite methods because of its low cost. If you are interested in implementing email marketing in your strategy, keep reading.

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Year One

On November 10th 2016 I decided to take the plunge and build my personal website. I knew I wanted a platform to offer my services, showcase my work and to be able to blog about the topics I am most interested in. I had no idea that that vision would become a reality and that today I would be celebrating my first year an official entrepreneur.  I am proud of the growth of the website and blog. I am thankful for every comment, every ready, every like and sale. THANK YOU GUYSSSSS. Because of you, I can celebrate year one! I did a photo shoot with Knakia for the blog anniversary and here are some of the pictures.  

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How to create a blog

So you want to create your own blog? Great I can show you. First of all I think it's awesome that you want to start blogging. Welcome to the blogging family. 

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