Posts tagged freelancer
How To Prep For Your First Trade Show As Freelancer

Being a freelancer brings a host of advantages, such as being able to set your schedule and decide how much work you do. But it also comes with a host of costs too - including the fact that there’s nobody you can fall back on to support you. If you want to get something done, you have to do it all yourself.

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Be A Great UX Designer With These Tips

User experience design is a huge part of a business and it is the process whereby a user experience and product is designed in order to provide the best service for a customer or client. When it comes to creating a wonderful product and process for your audience, it is important for you to create something which is easy to access and navigate and makes the product clear to the audience. Today we are going to talk about how you can improve your UX design to increase sales.

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How to get more clients in 2019

If you've been following my blog then you already know I started my business after I was laid off from my old 9-5 job. I later got into blogging because I learned so much on my entrepreneurial journey and I wanted to share that with other aspiring entrepreneurs/freelancers. I asked a question on my Instagram a couple of weeks ago and most persons wanted to know how to get more clients, so I decided I would write a blog on the topic. I get it, clients/ customers are the livelihood of the business. Your business NEEDS clients/customers. Without clients, you can’t keep your business going and without them, you can't grow.

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