Posts tagged travel blogger
Year One

On November 10th 2016 I decided to take the plunge and build my personal website. I knew I wanted a platform to offer my services, showcase my work and to be able to blog about the topics I am most interested in. I had no idea that that vision would become a reality and that today I would be celebrating my first year an official entrepreneur.  I am proud of the growth of the website and blog. I am thankful for every comment, every ready, every like and sale. THANK YOU GUYSSSSS. Because of you, I can celebrate year one! I did a photo shoot with Knakia for the blog anniversary and here are some of the pictures.  

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Suety Travel Diaries: The Hike To Holywell

I was so excited to Hike with Ashtan and his friends to Holywell in Jamaica. It was my first time hiking and I had no idea what to expect but I was definitely up for the challenge. 

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Suety Travel Diaries: Seven Seas, Mammee Bay

As a travel blogger, I am always looking for a new place to visit. Since I started my blog last year, I have only visited hotels because hotels seem easier to me. Whether it be an all-inclusive hotel or bed and breakfast, everything is provided there on the property, food, pools, drinks, towels, cable, room service etc. While at a villa you may have to worry about the location of the villa and how close it is to stores or the nearby town, eating arrangements, travel arrangements, where to go for activities, cleaning up rooms and plates after eating etc. 

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Happy 40th KO

I recently had the opportunity to celebrate K.O's 40th birthday in Mammee Bay, Jamaica.  I was a little anxious at first to attend because I thought the difference in age (I'm 28 by the way) would either be the main topic of the trip or that I would constantly be reminded of the type of conversations they would have or how they behave. I was brought up in a culture where you only hang with people in your age group and older folks are to be respected.

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Suety Travel Diaries: Sea Garden Resort

It's crazy how quickly the summer went by. Usually when I think of summer I think about beaches, pools, fun with friends, new adventures every weekend...but none of that happened this year. In fact I was pretty low key the entire summer. I knew I had to change that and when the opportunity came for me and my friends to spend a weekend at The Sea Garden Resort I knew had to take it. 

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20 trips to take in your 20's

In your 20s there is such a large number of chances to travel: either before college, or after college, while at your employment, amid a holiday and so on. It is the ideal time to visit, and these are must have encountered amid that time. Regardless of the cash at your pocket, you must make this trip!

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Suety Travel Diaries : Sea Cliff Resort and Reach Falls

So this year I decided to really go all out of for my birthday. I mean 28 years on this earth is a lot to be thankful for right? One of the things I had planned was a trip to Portland where I would visit Reach Falls and then stay at the Sea Cliff Resort.

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