Posts in Motivation
Happy International Women's Day: The Women Who Inspire Me

Screaming Happy International Women's Day to all the women in the world.  This day is all about elevating each other, giving the voices of ladies a chance to be heard, celebrating being a lady and striving for progress in gender equality. In celebration of such an iconic day,  I decided to write this post to share with you the women who inspire me every single day. 

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Running Fitbit's Miami Half Marathon

13.1 miles... I have never done a half marathon (13.1 miles ) before but I was confident I could finish the race.  Now that I am into health and fitness, I look for opportunities like these where I can test myself.  I had it all worked out in my head,  I would pace myself, keep positive, breathe properly and finish strong but life decided to add some unwanted ingredients to the mix, nevertheless, the lemonade tasted just as great. 

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What to do when your view doesn't match the vision?

Everyone has that moment in life that causes them to stop and think about their future. Know what I'm talking about? It's that time where something devastating happened, maybe you lost a job or a family member and you start to question your own life and the future. Do you start to ask questions like what am I doing? Why am I not where I want to be?

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How To Create A Vision Board That Works

I know a lot of people who struggle with completing their goals year after year.  They get excited during this time of the year, anticipating the next year and all the goals they hope to achieve. Eventually, their passion for achieving these goals die down and they got lost in all the ups and downs life throws at them.

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My 27 Power Statements

The other day, I stumbled upon one of my favorite blogger's post about power statements. I too often think about the things I would want my friends, family, the people around me to say about me, the type of impact I would want to leave on people, the things people would say I always said. 

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Entrepreneur Highlight: Romain "Swolemate" Lewis

Occasionally we will be interviewing young entrepreneurs where we get to know them, the type of business they're in and gain insights on their journey as an entrepreneur. Today I introduce Romain and he will be telling us more about his business.

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