Posts tagged life
What to do when your view doesn't match the vision?

Everyone has that moment in life that causes them to stop and think about their future. Know what I'm talking about? It's that time where something devastating happened, maybe you lost a job or a family member and you start to question your own life and the future. Do you start to ask questions like what am I doing? Why am I not where I want to be?

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How Changing Your Mindset Can Change Your Circumstances

I remember when I just got my job at Eservice (a call centre). I wasn’t working for a while before that so I was hungry and determined to make up for lost time. I wrote down the things that I wanted to achieve and the timeframe I needed it done by. I was about 20 years old at the time but I wasn’t anywhere near where I wanted to be. I knew something had to change. I remember reading Alvin Day’s book around that time, If Caterpillars Can Fly-So Can I and it talked about the universal laws to achieve and prosper.  I remember thinking I needed to CHANGE MY MINDSET and CHANGE MY LIFE and this new job was going to get me there.

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